勉強用 - Counselling skills and studies

BACP Ethical Framework- 
Personal moral qualities 

Suitability to work as a counsellor or as someone in a helping role 

- care 
- diligence 
- courage 
- empathy 
- identity 
- humility 
- integrity 
- wisdom 
- sincerity 
- respect 
- resilience 

Other support services available; 

- counselling service 
- health professionals 
- legal service 
- citizens advice bureau 
- debt agencies 
- social services 
- Occupational health 
- housing advice 
- self-help groups 

In order to work ethically and safely using counselling skills, you need to; 

⚫︎  have a framework for looking at what appropriate behaviour and attitudes are. 

⚫︎  Recognise the limit of your ability and monitor your own value 

⚫︎  Convey the limits of what you can offer to the person you are helping 

⚫︎  Enable the person you are helping to find other support where appropriate 


2 Establishing a Helping Relationship

Boundaries of the helping session and the helping relationship

How to manage the beginning and ending of a helping session 

Boundaries clarify the helping relationship so that but he the helper and helpee know what to expect from the relationship. Boundaries outline what is acceptable in the relationship. 

Eg: includes; clear time and length of the session, limits of confidentiality, the frequency of meeting, less immediately obvious which relate to events outside the session 

Boundaries also create a secure framework to build a close, even intimate, relationship based on trust and respect. 




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